Antique Botanical Fern Print 'Scaly Spleenwort'
Copperplate Pictures
Regular price £7.50
Antique Botanical Fern Print 'Hart's-tongue Fern'
Antique Botanical Fern Print 'Narrow Prickly Shield Fern'
Antique Botanical Fern Print 'Hay-scented Buckler Fern'
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Fruits of Yew', Botanical Art, Scientific Botanical Illustration
Regular price £8.50
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Fruits of the Holly'
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Wild Apples'
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Fruits of Medlar'
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Acorns of Oak', Botanical Art, Scientific Botanical Illustration
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Fruits of Walnut', Botanical Art, Scientific Botanical Illustration
Antique Botanical Tree Print 'Fruits of Guelder Rose', Botanical Art, Scientific Botanical Illustration
Botanical Print 'Orchids - A Few Exotic Members of a Large Family' 1928
Regular price £20.00
Umbilliferous Chickweed (Holosteum umbellatum) 1791
Regular price £25.00
Stinking Groundsel (Senecio viscosus) 1791
Squinancy-wort (Asperula cynanchica) 1791
Botanical Print Gentiana Pneumonanthe (Marsh Gentian), Antique Copperplate Engraving
Botanical Cabinet Print 'Campunula grandifllora'
Regular price £45.00
Botanical Cabinet Print 'Hibiscus Liliiflorus' 1827
Common Cowslip (Primula veris) Botanical Print 1791
Botanical Illustration, 'Tulip', 1928