Postcard 'Women for Life on Earth, Peace March, Cardiff 1982'
Copperplate Pictures
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UNISON Postcard 'Working for Equal Rights at Work and in the Community'
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Leeds Postcards 'Saying No to the Poll Tax 1381'
Jacques Lardie Political Postcard 'General Election 1992'
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Cynicure Cards Political Postcard 'Ditch Blair!'
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Cynicure Cards Postcard 'Regime change likely. Tony Blair under pressure from all sides''
1992 General Election Card
Leeds Postcards 'Women against the nuclear threat' 1981
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Thought Factory Postcard 'Don't Forget to Have Your Say' 1997
TUC Campaign Postcard 'Put a cross in the Wrong Box...'
King Card Postcard 'The Falklands Crisis'
Russian Postcard 'V. I. Lenin and M. I. Kalinin in the House of Trade-Unions at the I All-Russian Congress of Labour Cossacks'
'This England' Campaign Postcard 'Wake up, Britain! If you lose the pound, you lose your country!'
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'This England' Campaign Postcard 'Say 'No' to the Euro!'
P. & J. Willmott Postcard 'Neil Kinnock' 1990
J/V Series Documentary Postcard 'Anti Poll Tax Protestors' 1990
T.G.W.U. Parliamentary Branch Postcard
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